Saturday, June 30, 2018

10 Days Tanzania Family Vacation Holidays

Day 1:
On arrival in Tanzania, the whole family is met by your Tanzania safari guide and transferred you. The drive from the airport to the is about 40 mins. The Ngare sero Lodge set among tropical gardens on a former coffee plantation with Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru as a backdrop. Serengeti wildebeest migration safari‎

Day 2: Arusha National Park
An early morning will immerse us in the African wild we always dreamed about. The topography of this small park is amazingly varied including grassy plains, montane forest, volcanic craters, swamps, and saline lakes. On bright days, we have excellent views of Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro. We can choose to game drive, to go on a game walk escorted by an armed ranger, or to do a canoe ride on one of the soda lakes. We hope to see giraffe, buffalo and black and white colobus monkeys, as well as some of the shy forest antelope  bushbuck, red duiker and maybe sun.

Day 3: Lake Manyara National Park
This morning we drive to Arusha, Tanzania’s safari capital. We may do some shopping or stop for lunch before continuing to Lake Manyara. Much of the northern part of the park is fed by underground water from the Ngorongoro Highlands and, as a result, is covered in dense forest vegetation, giving the appearance of a tropical jungle. This forest is ideal habitat for elephant, bushbuck, blue monkey, and huge troops of an olive baboon. Some parts are dry bushland attracting zebra, impala and giraffe while the lakeshore provides another habitat, perfect for flamingos and other shore birds. Today we will stay at Lake Manyara Serena Lodge.

Days 4 & 5: Cultural Walks and local market Visits
A highlight of our trip to Africa is a chance to meet people from other cultures, broadening our understanding of the human spirit. We spend the day learning about traditional tribal life during a regular visit to a local Masai manyatta; as pastoralists, they know the natural world in a profound way, and we discover how they have lived harmoniously with the land for centuries. We overnight at peaceful Tloma Lodge, located on a working coffee plantation in the green hills of Karatu. Rise early for a hike through the lush highlands of the Oldeani mountains and visit local working farms with sweeping views of the Great Rift Valley and Lake Eyasi. We continue to a local school (if in session) and to meet our peers before proceeding to the crater rim.

Day 6: Ngorongoro Crater
We will leave this morning on our way to Ngorongoro Crater for full day game drive (1½ hrs drive from the Tloma Logde). Our trip takes us up to the rim of the Crater, where the views back over Lake Manyara and the floor of the Crater are amazing. We will do a full day game drive before heading to Soap Lodge for Dinner and overnight

Days 7 – 9: Serengeti
The Serengeti is legendary. Here on Tanzania budget camping safari‎ Great Plains, herds of wildebeest traverse the savannah in enormous numbers, while thousands of antelope and gazelle are ever-present. Giraffes lope among the acacia trees while the big cats race after prey. Serengeti Savannah Camp

Day 10: Arusha / Home
We fly back to Arusha from the Serengeti, where we’ll have the use of a dayroom at Kia Lodge before connecting to flights home.

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